Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Axon, Sections, Perspectives, Elevation

It has been a great semester. Thanks for looking, have a great summer break!!! ([:)

Floor Plans

Please refer to spacial diagram for color references.

Structural Diagram

When I was thinking about creating a weave structure, I felt that there needs to be a rigid frame which will hold most of the structural loads of the building. The weaves themselves will be attached to the structure, holding them in place while creating interesting curved forms vertically and horizontally.

Section sketch

Plan_sketch development

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Spaces Diagrams

Here are two different variations of how the spaces can be organized. The colored boxes represent spaces identified in the legend on the far right. The Diagrams are in Normal form and Exploded form so that it can be better understood.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Variation 4

Here is the study model of the floor plan diagram labeled Variation 4.