Monday, February 1, 2010

The Birth of my project

1. Which building typology you are researching?
I am researching a building typology that is a mixture of Institutional and Residential; It's a home for orphans.

2. Why are you researching this building typology?
I read an article in Architectural Record about a orphanage being build in a impoverished country after some kind of disaster and I felt that, that's where Architecture shines the most, in buildings that provide a socially responsible purpose.

3. What is the specialty of this building type you would like to research i.e. museum for dance, school for digital media...
Well it will definitely be an orphanage, however I'm not sure for whom, I guess for infants up to teenagers, I'm not 100% sure.

4. What are the examples that you will be researching... list the examples, location and architect (10 examples )

5. What are your goals for working with this building type?
My goal is to provide a safe and healthy atmosphere for growing children. It is to apply sustainable practices and to create spaces to accommodate all the different activities that the occupants may need.

6. What are the program elements that you see included at this point in your building? (may evolve once more research is done)
There will be a dormitory, a cafeteria, a place to study, play/exercise and a place for entertainment.


  1. You were to write the questions and then answer them......

  2. Thanks! The answers are a great start to the project. Now just keep an open mind when looking at examples. (Dormitories, hotels, rooming houses, boarding schools....)
